Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Picking up the Spare, Turkey, and Casey

We don't say much about the church bowling league from the pulpit.....doesn't really seem like the place - but it has been very enjoyable and encouraging to bowl with our church family these last several weeks.

Bowling is "Winter Golf" to me: both are frustrating and impossible to master.  Amy out-bowled me last night with a 145.....What!?

It is fun to wait your turn and just ham it up with the friends you worship with, love, and will spend eternity with.  There is a special bond in the body of Christ that is not present outside of the "blood".  We are all "for" each other in a way that is beyond the 10 pins.

I appreciate Butch Singleton's role in our church of organizing sports fellowship.  You may not realize how much of a ministry this is unless you have played softball, bowling, or the upcoming church golf outing in the summer.  However, these activities form a skeleton to be able to encourage and love each other around.  I find playing games or having lunch or doing something with another brother in Christ fosters an atmosphere of natural care and fellowship.  This is real fellowship that doesn't have to happen in the Fellowship Hall at church or the church picnic!

Concerning Casey.........the boy bowls.  Two weeks ago, we all held our breath as Casey bowled 8 strikes in a row heading for a perfect game.  He missed the ninth strike and ended with a 252.  Wow.  It is fun to see his unorthodox style that hooks about 5 feet from the pins and blasts them apart.

Well, just wanted to comment a bit on the fun and fellowship we are having.  I've never been to a bowling alley where 24 people huddled to pray before they threw 3 games.  Good Stuff.

Here are some statistics if you care to see......


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