Saturday, August 14, 2010

Hello Heaven?

Dear LBC Family,

I have just returned from a tremendous Men's Prayer Meeting at the white house. Once a month, men are invited to come and pray about our building project. We were especially praying today for our Summer Building Offering tomorrow.

While it is fresh in my mind, I would like to share with you a real prayer from this morning. Most of what I write is exact quote or very close to it:

"Hello, Heaven? This is your son Lit Powell, and I need a direct line to Jesus Christ. Please connect me with the best signal of phone, email, internet, whatever. Heavenly Father, we come to you needing a straight conversation with you...often we are distracted from the task at hand by even thoughts of our next meal. Keep us focused as we pray for this great financial need on a direct line of request. We need no static in this call.

Father, would you put us in contact with your best financial man up there standing by? We need a lot of money for this project. There are 12 other guys here praying for the same thing in addition to myself. We are around this big table. We need about a table full of money to do this building. Please hear our request and send it.

Now Father, I thank you for this call. We know we have a direct line to you. Thank you Jesus. In your precious name, Amen."

Now, Lit has no idea that I am posting this request, so don't embarrass him by pointing it out. He was just praying to his Abba, Father the way the Spirit was leading. It was genuine and from the heart.

Other men prayed tomorrow for the Widow's Mite. Others asked the Lord to hear the requests of our children, still others praised God for His past goodness on our church family.

I would ask you to put the same intensity in your request for this project, and especially what the Lord will give you the faith and courage to give tomorrow in the Summer Building Offering.


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